The following candidates have qualified to run in the election.
Council Member
Moody Barrick
Hollie Steil
City Council Candidate Forum Sponsored by the Sky Valley Property Owner's Association - Video 2/12/2019.
2019 Special Election Calendar
February 19 Last day to register to vote
February 25 Advanced Voting Begins – No Reason Required – Rabun County
19 Jo Dotson Circle, Clayton, GA 30525
February 18 NO VOTING
February 19 ELECTION – City Hall

To vote in city, county, state and federal elections, you must be a U.S. citizen at least 18 years old, mentally sound and not under conviction of a felony. Georgia does not require any length of residence as a condition to registering to vote. To register to vote or to transfer your registration from another Georgia county, apply in person to the Rabun County Registrar’s Office at 19 Jo Dotson Circle, Suite 201, Clayton, GA 30525, Telephone: (706) 782-1878 or Please Click here to Download a fillable, postage-paid voter registration application in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.
The Rabun County Registrar’s Office is responsible for the preparation and conducting of all county, state and national elections that take place within the county at large. That office also has the responsibility of registering voters, preserving and updating voter registration files, maintaining records and files of local elections as well as other duties. The office is located on the lower level of the former Rabun County Health
To register to vote in Rabun County an application must be completed. Applications are available at
the Board of Elections & Registration office, the Rabun County Library or Georgia Department of Driver Services (when applying for a Georgia Drivers permit). To register to vote an applicant must be at least 18 years of age on or before the date of the election. The registration deadline for a particular election is five Mondays prior to that election (if a holiday, the deadline moves to the Tuesday following that Monday). You may call the office for additional locations where you can register to vote.
Rabun County currently has one polling place for county, state and national elections, the Rabun County Civic Center, located at 201 West Savannah Street in Clayton, Georgia. This is the location where votes are cast on election day.

Qualifying for a City of Sky Valley Elected Office
To qualify as a candidate in a Sky Valley election you must meet the following requirements:
1. Registered and qualified to vote in the municipal elections of the City of Sky Valley
2. Residency in the City of Sky Valley for 12 months continuously prior to the date of the election
3. Continued residency within the corporate limits of Sky Valley during term of office