The base rate for a standard residential water connection is $39.50 per month. This amount is for the first 2,000 gallons of water used. Usage above the 2,000 gallons per month is billed incrementally based on the total usage. This is a minimum service and is billed regardless of occupancy.
Homeowners should use the homeowner shut off valve in the box with the round lid. A label with your 911 street address is attached to the lid to help you identify the correct shut-off valve. The city meter will remain on at all times unless the city has turned it off for a reason.
City Ordinance requires that all residences vacated during winter months shall be winterized to protect the plumbing from freezing. Under no circumstances may a water tap be left open to prevent freezing. This practice is prohibited and a violation of water use conservation by GA EPD. Any vacated residence detected using water by the City will be assumed to have faulty plumbing internally. Upon this assumption the City will turn off the water to prevent additional damage to the property and attempt to contact the property owner.
Homeowners should use the homeowner shut off valve in the box with the round lid. A label with your 911 street address is attached to the lid to help you identify the correct shut-off valve. The city meter will remain on at all times unless the city has turned it off for a reason.
City Ordinance requires that all residences vacated during winter months shall be winterized to protect the plumbing from freezing. Under no circumstances may a water tap be left open to prevent freezing. This practice is prohibited and a violation of water use conservation by GA EPD. Any vacated residence detected using water by the City will be assumed to have faulty plumbing internally. Upon this assumption the City will turn off the water to prevent additional damage to the property and attempt to contact the property owner.

Water Service Application | |
File Size: | 305 kb |
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Electronic Bank Drafting Service | |
File Size: | 401 kb |
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Public Service Announcement

Do you want to learn more about the quality of your public water supply, but are not sure where to go? One of the best ways to educate yourself about local water quality conditions is to obtain a copy of your community's Consumer Confidence Report (CCR).
This annual report, which is issued around July 1 each year, provides consumers with detailed information regarding the source of their drinking water and the treatment methods used, as well as the quality of the finished drinking water that was provided to your community during the previous calendar year.
Sky Valley has completed its 2017 Consumer Confidence Reports for the Sky Valley and Winding Ridge water systems for the year ending December, 2016. A copy of these reports can be obtained by contacting City Hall at 706-746-2204. The reports will be e-mailed to our distribution list and can also be found below. Individual notices will not be mailed, but notification of the availability of the reports will be included on your July water billing statement.
This annual report, which is issued around July 1 each year, provides consumers with detailed information regarding the source of their drinking water and the treatment methods used, as well as the quality of the finished drinking water that was provided to your community during the previous calendar year.
Sky Valley has completed its 2017 Consumer Confidence Reports for the Sky Valley and Winding Ridge water systems for the year ending December, 2016. A copy of these reports can be obtained by contacting City Hall at 706-746-2204. The reports will be e-mailed to our distribution list and can also be found below. Individual notices will not be mailed, but notification of the availability of the reports will be included on your July water billing statement.