To participate in the arts/crafts show as a vendor.
Please complete the application below.
2019 Fallfest Application
Sky Valley, GA is hosting it's 6th Annual Fall Fest
on Saturday, October 19, 2019 from 10 AM - 4 PM
A variety of Arts and Craft Vendors will have their creations for sale.
There will be a HOWL-O-Ween Costume Contest
for your furry friends to benefit PAWS 4 Life
Register anytime between 10 AM and 1 PM at PAWS tent next to the City pavilion
Contest begins at 1:30 PM at the City pavilion
$5 per Category Entry - all proceeds to benefit Rabun PAWS 4 Life
Funniest, Scariest, Dog/Owner Combination, Most Original, Overall Best
for your furry friends to benefit PAWS 4 Life
Register anytime between 10 AM and 1 PM at PAWS tent next to the City pavilion
Contest begins at 1:30 PM at the City pavilion
$5 per Category Entry - all proceeds to benefit Rabun PAWS 4 Life
Funniest, Scariest, Dog/Owner Combination, Most Original, Overall Best

We will have the Sky Valley Hay Bale Trail which has become a time-honored tradition in the community that everyone looks forward to this time of the year.
Hay bales will be on display throughout the month of October for everyone to enjoy. Make sure you go to our Facebook page www.facebook.com/skyvalleyga to cast your vote for your favorite hay bale display.
Hay bales will be on display throughout the month of October for everyone to enjoy. Make sure you go to our Facebook page www.facebook.com/skyvalleyga to cast your vote for your favorite hay bale display.
There will be hayrides to the waterfall and
live entertainment
Shuttles will run from the parking areas to the festival area.
live entertainment
Shuttles will run from the parking areas to the festival area.
The cruise-in will begin at 10:00 AM with trophies presented at 3:00 PM.
Many unique and interesting cars will be on display
adjacent to the parking area on Sky Valley Way near the old ski lodge.
Many unique and interesting cars will be on display
adjacent to the parking area on Sky Valley Way near the old ski lodge.
The beautiful autumn leaves always make for gorgeous pictures
and a different view around each and every turn.
and a different view around each and every turn.