The government of the City of Sky Valley is vested in a city council composed of a mayor and five council members. Each member will serve a two year term of office. To be eligible to serve as mayor or council member, the candidate must be a resident of the city for a period of one year immediately prior to the date of the election and continue to reside within the city during the period of service. To be a candidate for mayor or city council, one must be registered and qualified to vote in the municipal election of the City of Sky Valley.
The mayor is the chief executive officer of the City of Sky Valley.
The mayor is the chief executive officer of the City of Sky Valley.

Current Term: 2020-2022
Current Term: 2020-2022
The city council, by majority vote of all the members, shall elect one of their number to be president of the city council. The person elected as president shall serve a term of one year and until a successor is elected and qualified. The president of the city council shall assume the duties and powers of the mayor upon the mayor´s disability or absence or upon the event of a vacancy in that office.

Current Term: 2020-2022
Current Term: 2020-2022
The legislative authority of the government of the City of Sky Valley, except as otherwise specifically provided in the charter, shall be vested in a city council to be composed of a mayor and five council members. The city council established in the charter shall in all respects be a successor to and continuation of the city governing authority under prior law.
In addition to all other powers conferred upon it by law, the city council shall have the authority to adopt and provide for the execution of such ordinances, resolutions, rules, and regulations, not inconsistent with this charter, the Constitution, and the laws of the State of Georgia, which it shall deem necessary, expedient, or helpful for the peace, good order, protection of life and property, health, welfare, sanitation, comfort, convenience, prosperity, or well-being of the inhabitants of the City of Sky Valley and may enforce such ordinances by imposing penalties for violation thereof.
The city council by ordinance may create, change, alter, abolish, or consolidate offices, agencies, and departments of the city and may assign additional functions to any of the offices, agencies, and departments expressly provided for by the charter.
In addition to all other powers conferred upon it by law, the city council shall have the authority to adopt and provide for the execution of such ordinances, resolutions, rules, and regulations, not inconsistent with this charter, the Constitution, and the laws of the State of Georgia, which it shall deem necessary, expedient, or helpful for the peace, good order, protection of life and property, health, welfare, sanitation, comfort, convenience, prosperity, or well-being of the inhabitants of the City of Sky Valley and may enforce such ordinances by imposing penalties for violation thereof.
The city council by ordinance may create, change, alter, abolish, or consolidate offices, agencies, and departments of the city and may assign additional functions to any of the offices, agencies, and departments expressly provided for by the charter.

- 706-746-4441
- Current term: 2020-2022

- 706-746-7396
- Current term: 2019-2020

- 706-746-6926
- Current term: 2020-2022

- 706-746-2131
- Current term: 2020-2022